Can I go to New Zealand by any transportation?

No, it depends on your nationality and whether you are an Australian permanent resident or not.

Be noted that you can only travel to New Zealand by a cruise ship if you are from these 135 eligible countries.

Whereas, you can travel by air and other means of transport if you are from 60 visa waiver countries or you are Australian permanent residents.


For any assistance, please call 24h professional support center below:

- Hotline:

United States: +1 818 930 5979
United Kingdom: +44 191 730 0179

Related FAQs

- How to apply for NZeTA?

- What are 60 New Zealand visa waiver countries?

- What is NZ Tourist eTA?

- What do I need to present at the check-in point?

- Can I go to New Zealand by any transportation?

- Document Requirements for NZeTA

- What types of NZeTA can I apply online?

- How secure is my private information?

- Do I need to go to the consulate to get my NZeTA?

- Is NZeTA refundable?