SSL encryption is used on all pages of our website to keep sensitive information. We host our database servers in a world-class data center and utilize state-of-the-art methods for securing user accounts and data.

No, you do not need to do that. All steps will be processed completely online. Currently, New Zealand approves up to 195 countries for all kind of NZeTA. Please check requirements for details.

For some cases, we have flexible refund policy. Please check here for more information.

Yes, you need to do that. We will forward you a confirmation email with the details of your eTA included in this email such as your application ID, visa number, and visa validity.

You are NOT allowed to enter New Zealand by air and other means of transport if you are from these 137 eligible countries. The only option, in that case, is traveling on a cruise ship to visit New Zealand.  

Yes, the processing time of the New Zealand ETA will be postponed on national holidays because the Consular Department of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be closed at this time.


List New Zealand Holidays and Observances below:

If you lose your passport, you need to register a new passport. 

Yes, everybody must apply for an eTA regardless of age.

There are 197 countries available now. Please check requirements for details.